22 Mar 2014

Theme Link 'Fire' - Dragons Research

As a part of my research into the elements, I focused my research onto the element fire. And through this research I collected images of dragons as they are associated with the four elements, mainly fire. Through this discovery into the element of fire, I decided to use dragons as my inspiration for my final.

5 Mar 2014

Copies and Emulations - Brian Biggs

For my copies and emulations I chose to use the illustrations from 'Everything Goes In The Air' and 'Everything Goes On Sea' By Brian Biggs. I chose from the bottom page, the car image (bottom left) and the seagull (top right) and the WW11 Era Fighter Plane from the top page.



The emulations are my own drawings inspired by the artist. I created these drawings in the style of Brian Biggs and then coloured them accordingly. The first emulation is a normal version and the second is the same but monochromatic (not counting the contrasting background). I originally planned to use this character on my designs for my book caver and the final, but I decided that I could do much better and decided to only feature a dragon instead, that way it linked better to my theme of fire and further into dragons.